ホーム > 組織から探す > 知事公室国際課 > イベント(外国語講座など) > 第29回外国人のためのお遍路体験




The 29th Henro Experience

1 目的 Purpose

 This event aims to give foreign residents of Kagawa the chance to walk a section of the Shikoku Henro and deepen their understanding of both the pilgrimage route and local Kagawa culture. We also aim for participants to communicate their impressions and thoughts to both domestic and international audiences through websites and social networking sites to advance the bid for the Shikoku Henro to be registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

2 主催 Organizer

Kagawa Prefectural Government

3 協力 In cooperation with

NPO法人 遍路とおもてなしのネットワーク
NPO Network for Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage and Hospitality

4 実施日 Time & Date

November 11, 2023 (Saturday) 9時00分 ~ 15時45分
(In the case of bad weather, the event will be cancelled. If the event is cancelled, participants will be notified via e-mail by 6時30分 on the day of the event.)

5 対象及び募集人数 Intended Participants and Number of Participants

県内在住外国人 20名 (申込者多数の場合は先着順とします。)
This trip is intended for foreign residents in Kagawa. The maximum number of participants is 20.
In the case of an excess of applicants, participants will be chosen on a first-come-first-served basis.

6  参加料 Participation Fee

無料 ※ただし、集合場所までの交通費は自己負担となります。
Free (participants must pay for their own transportation to/from the meeting point.)

7  参加条件 Conditions for Participation

1)全行程(15 km)を徒歩で踏破できる健康を有する者 ※歩きやすい服装、運動靴、リュックサック等で参加してください。
Due to the nature of the hike (The route will be almost 15 km (9.3 miles) of walking in total), we ask that all participants be fit and healthy enough to complete the entire course on foot. Please wear clothes and shoes that are easy to walk in.

Participants must comply with the following criteria:
※ Any videos or photos we take on the Henro Experience may be used in the promotion of this project on our homepage or in other media.
※ Please use online social networking sites to spread the word about your experience on the tour.

8 集合場所・時刻 Meeting Point & Time

JR国分駅 8時50分集合
Please meet at JR Kokubu Station 8時50分.

9 申込先 Application


Please apply via QR code or fill in the application form and return it by e-mail / fax by Tuesday, October 24, 2023.
(For more details, see the guidelines from the link below)


Guidelines for the 29th Henro Experience (English)(PDF:98KB)


申込書/Application Form(ワード:44KB)

10 持ち物 What to Bring

Your lunch/bento, plenty of water, a sweat-towel, writing materials, other necessary items (e.g. personal medicines, insect repellant etc.)


